Archive | June, 2005

Tomato Tart, MSL July

26 Jun

Between the bluegrass festival (which was great, but rainy) last week and my folks being in town this weekend, I haven’t had much time to knit. However, I did cook quite a bit today.

I swear, that Martha Stewart is a wonder to behold. Thanks, Martha, for the great tomato tart recipe in this month’s issue of Martha Stewart Living. My folks and I went down to the Ferry Building farmers’ market yesterday, and I picked up some pecorino from Cowgirl Creamery (I can’t remember what kind of pecorino now–it began with a “g”). After searching around for the best prices on heirlooms, I settled on some for $3.25/lb. that, in retrospect, were a little overripe. I also picked up three different kinds of garlic.

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12 Jun

I ran somewhere between 2.5-3 miles today and I was dying. It’s warm–hot for SF–and I kept thinking, “It’s going to be hotter than this when I’m running next week at 7 am up in Grass Valley.” Since I wimped out at the end, I did 40 walking lunges (each leg counts as one), 20 calf raises, and 20 standing squats.

I still haven’t decided finally about Pac Grove, but if I don’t do Pac Grove, I’m definitely doing the Treasure Island Tri. Man, I need to get in shape.

What’s on my iPod

12 Jun

Remember those “What’s on your PowerBook?” ads for Apple, with people like Tama Janowitz and Frances Lear posing with their PowerBooks and a list of all the things they kept on them? I wish they’d bring it back for iPods. I suppose that’s what the celebrity playlists are all about.

Anyway, here are the latest additions to mine. As you can see, I’m catching up on getting a bunch of old CDs on there.

  • Flatt & Scruggs, 1947-1959 (all 4 CDs)
  • Jimmy Martin, Greatest Bluegrass Hits (actually not a great CD, but I love Jimmy. RIP.)
  • Randy Newman, Sail Away
  • Bruce Springsteen, Nebraska
  • Gotan Project, La Ravancha del Tango
  • Ray Charles, the Very Best of…
  • Interpol, Turn on the Bright Lights
  • Franz Ferdinand, Franz Ferdinand
  • the new Iron & Wine/Calexico album, In the Reins (comes out in Fall. Advance CDs are my favorite job perk.)

Babes in Arms

12 Jun

I started the first arm of my Hourglass sweater yesterday while procrastinating going for a run (I ran today, so I don’t feel super guilty). The sleeve opening looked huge, so I tried it on, and it seemed to have about the same relative sleeve-to-wrist ratio as the one in the photo. We’ll see.

I’ve been so encouraged by this project that I ordered yarn for two more projects. Hike, from Rowan 37, for Chad in an awesome brown, and Toledo, the sleeveless sweater I posted a photo of a while ago.

But this weekend, my project has been stuffing my iPod full of all my bluegrass CDs (and a few others) so I have lots of music to listen to on my way up to mandolin camp at Grass Valley! I can’t wait. It seriously looked like I wasn’t going to be able to go last week, with all the craziness at work, so I’m so, so grateful that I can go. I need a vacation so badly.

Thrift store needles

5 Jun

As I finished up my last post, I thought I’d add a photo of the three sets of knitting needles I bought last time at the Hospice Hodgepodge thrift store in San Rafael (shot on top of my first homemade knitting needle holder). They also had some cool orange ones that I didn’t buy, and I still don’t know why. Considering each pair cost between 50 cents and $1.25, I don’t really have a good excuse.

Thrift store needles.JPG

Starting to Take Shape

5 Jun


I’ve been knitting like mad on my Hourglass sweater–when I have the time, that is, which is never since we’re in production on the new issue at work and my managing editor and production person suddenly needed time off right in the middle of production. Ack! OK, work rant over.

I did some knitting on the drive up to and then in Mendocino last weekend and made some more progress yesterday, while riding around on the bus in between my hair cut, visit to ImagiKnit’s sale, and back home. I’m almost at the point where I need to start dividing for the yoke. Hooray!

I’m not sure if the 16″ circs I have for the arms will be small enough, so I cast on and am going to knit a few rows to see how it goes. I do think the 12″ would be better, but how many more knitting needles do I need to buy before I’m done? (No, I don’t want an answer to that question.)

That reminds me of Jen F’s brilliant idea of having a (knitting) needle exchange. I love that idea. I think I’m going to limit my future knitting needle purchases to circs or thrift store straights.